Featuring an ensemble cast of over 2,000 film and TV locations, with a host of extras (including some truly technicolour trivia), this Marvellous Great British Film and TV Map is perfect for film buffs, TV fans and anyone in need of celluloid inspiration for a Great British adventure! A location scout’s dream, Great Britain is the ultimate film and TV setting. From the worldwide success of its films and TV shows to its many famous filming locations, Britain’s definitely got talent. So has this map, a unique cartographical celebration of Britain’s champion celluloid credentials. perfect for binge watching. Do not adjust your set!
BRITAIN’S TOP 50 Britain’s finest film & TV locations, a truly cinematic road trip connecting them all, and viewing suggestions to bring them to life in unique fashion
FILM & TV LOCATIONS Over 1,000 filming locations, settings, fictional locations and real places inspiring fictional locations
CINEMAS & EXPERIENCES Over 400 independent cinemas, film societies and cinema experiences
FESTIVALS & EVENTS Over 150 of the finest film & TV festivals and events
TECHNICOLOUR TRIVIA Loads of famous studios, landmarks, museums, archives, attractions, shrines to dear departed stars and other glorious tales and random nuggets
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